Mon, 10 Mar 1997

Toll Road Card

I would like to comment on the Kartu Langganan Tol (Toll Road Card), which I have been using since April 1996. So far, I have bought 22 of these cards for Rp 100,000 each. Seven of them have failed to complete transactions at the exit gate, with the following details:

* two failed when the remaining value was above Rp 50,000.

* one failed when the remaining value was below Rp 50,000.

* two gave error (ERR) many times but the tickets were printed.

* two failed on one gate but was successful on the other gate at the same exit.

On one occasion, a brand new card printed ERR at the exit and the ticket showed ERR, but it passed the gate. Afterward it became normal until it's Rp 100,000 transaction was reached.

Based on the above statistics, I would say that the card is not reliable and the success factor is only (22-7)/22= 68 percent. Further more, the attitude of Jasa Marga personnel was not courteous and they always behave as if they are right and the customer is wrong.

I would suggest that Jasa Marga reviews their system and improve the reliability closer to 100 percent, so that the user can be assured that using the card will save time, instead of worrying about arguing with the official at the exit gate because of its malfunctioning.


Bogor, West Java