Mon, 26 Jul 1999

TNI deputy commander

The swearing in and installation of Admiral Widodo AS as deputy commander of the Indonesian Military (TNI) by President B.J. Habibie has brought about many unfavorable opinions about the reinstitution of this position. Some people are of the opinion that it is intended to serve the political needs of the TNI more than to fulfill the national defense and security's demand. Some others believe that the reinstitution of this position is part of a preparation to smooth Wiranto's way into the vice presidential seat. Still others think that this is only an attempt to cover up Wiranto's inability to deal with the national security condition in the run-up to the general session of the People's Consultative Assembly. Of course, there are many other opinions which are more or less the same in nature.

Regardless of whether these opinions are correct or not, as a layman not well-versed in politics, I believe that the reinstitution of the deputy commander of the TNI was the best step taken by TNI leaders in dealing with the nation's problems, which are assuming greater complexity, in the present reform era. Obviously, the position's reinstitution is based on the fact that the commander of the TNI has yet to optimize the performance of his tasks and exercise his authority related with operational functions and that the presence of a deputy will lead to optimum results of these. Besides, TNI is a dynamic organization and the reinstitution of a deputy is evidence of this dynamism, which may be regarded as part of TNI's internal reform in aspects related to its structure, doctrine, policies and strategies, moral ethics of soldiers and leadership. The basic task of the TNI is to protect and safeguard various national interests, protect and defend the integrity of national territory from the threat of hostile aggression from other countries, prevent or reduce the impact of regional damage as a result of acts taken by enemies and fulfill international obligations.

The choice of Admiral Widodo AS as the present deputy commander of the TNI is only natural because in terms of personnel, the navy comes second after the ground forces. It should also be kept in mind that two-thirds of Indonesia's territory is made up of sea. As Indonesia has more territorial water than land the following must always be taken into consideration:

(i) Unless the territorial waters are well-managed and controlled they will be vulnerable to incursions and smuggling attempts. (Various kinds of drugs and pornographic VCDs can be easily smuggled in by sea.)

(ii) Vast territorial waters mean Indonesia's sea potential may generate huge amounts of foreign exchange if they are properly managed and tapped.

These two factors explain why the position of deputy commander of the TNI is entrusted to Admiral Widodo AS.

