Thu, 27 Jul 1995

Tips to avoid frustration

I would like to give my response to a letter which appeared in The Jakarta Post, July 25, 1995 entitled On the move in Jakarta.

Having no personal transport I am at the mercy of taxi and bajaj (three-wheeled motorized transport vehicle) drivers. My way of avoiding being frustrated is to expect to be frustrated. I try and enjoy the perils of getting around Jakarta. I always have a map and have identified my destination before setting off.

If I use a bajaj I always state where I am going and agree to a price before getting into the contraption. If I use a taxi, I check the meter to be sure it is on.

I expect, from time to time, to be ripped off by an unscrupulous taxi driver who has tampered with his meter. I note the company and try to avoid using their taxis. I also expect, from time to time, to meet with a taxi driver who gets lost. Just tricks of the trade. I reflect by laughing at it all. After all it makes a good after dinner topic and it costs so little, doesn't it?

