Sun, 17 Aug 2003

Tips on recycling

In Jakarta there is no system of recycling household waste, in a formal sense. An informal approach exists in the form of scavengers who walk the streets pushing wooden carts searching for reusable goods in people's household garbage, at garbage dumps and at busy public places where people often throw empty water bottles and cans onto the street.

Separating organic and nonorganic garbage and a simple sorting of things you wish to discard will give added income to these enterprising individuals and hopefully reduce household waste that often ends up in Jakarta's waterways.

Keeping in mind the three guiding principles of "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle," here are some tips for those who wish to recycle:

Newspapers and magazines * Give to your local scavengers * Give to vegetable sellers in the market for wrapping vegetables * Crunch up sheets of newspaper into balls and dampen with water to clean windows instead of using glass cleaner * Give your old magazines to your local salon or leave them behind in a taxi for someone else to read.

Cartons -- big and small All cartons, whether cardboard boxes or packaging from the supermarket, such as powdered milk, oatmeal, chocolate boxes, breakfast cereal, etc., can be flattened out, folded and given to scavengers. Size is not important, as these are sold per kilogram and pulped to make cartons again.

Paper: * For internal office communications, use paper that has already been printed on one side. Keep a stack of this paper by the photocopy machine to make sure both sides of the paper are used. * When both sides are already used give this paper to your local scavenger. * Promote a policy in your office of using recycled paper and envelopes for internal use. Send memos and reports via electronic mail. * Paper printed on both sides, old greeting cards, wall and desk calendars etc. can all be given to scavengers. * Line your drawers with paper from wall calendars

Plastic mineral water bottles All sizes of plastic mineral water containers, even the one-glass size, are sought after by scavengers. The latter can be used to plant seedlings -- just make a small hole in the bottom for drainage.

Plastic refill pouches Plastic refill pouches for fabric softener, floor cleaner, liquid soap, cooking oil etc. can to given to any of the organizations listed in the box opposite R U sure it's opposite, not below? to be sewn and transformed into durable, attractive tote bags as an income-generating activity. Make sure you do not cut the corner at too deep an angle. If you have time it will be appreciated if these are washed and dried before handing them over.

Plastic bags * Take your own carrier bags to the supermarket or traditional market. * Ask the vendor to wrap vegetables in newspaper instead of plastic. * Give your excess bags to vegetable vendors in your local traditional market or vegetable vendors on the street.

Aluminum cans Collect used aluminum drinks cans and give them to your local scavenger. If you have many, crush them first to reduce space.

Take your plastic refill pouches to either of the following organizations for recycling into beautiful tote bags, and at the same time buy yourself a bag:

ICAC House Jl. Bona Vista Raya Lebak Bulus Tel: 7581 6710 Contact person: Trisnur or Rosa

Yayasan Balita Sehat Jl. Puri Sakti 1/23A Cipete Tel: 769 4923 Contact person: Asih Rahayu

XSProject Jl. BDN I No. S6-S7 Cilandak Barat Tel: 766 1337, 766 2311 Contact Person: Anne Wizer

-- Melinda A. Hewitt