Mon, 04 Jul 1994

Tip on adding page number in your PageMaker 5.0

JAKARTA (JP): First of all, I'd like to thank Abdul Karim Kusumoputro for his very congenial letter that appeared on The Jakarta Post, July 1, 1994. Unfortunately, though, I'm still unable to find a way of putting the total number of pages of our publication automatically in PageMaker, not even when using PageMaker 5.0's Additions.

However, we can do this manually with ease, thanks to the icons representing the pages found on the bottom left corner of the screen. In rare cases that you don't see these icons, click on Layout, Guides and rules, and Scroll bars. You might have unchecked the Scroll bars accidentally. These icons show you how many pages you have in your publication.

Always add the page number header or footer as the last step in completing your publication, so you don't have to change it over and over. Furthermore, don't forget to use the Master Pages so that the page number will consistently appear on every page. To place the code of page number, press Ctrl-Shift-3 (use the key underneath F2, not the one in the numeric keypad). You'll see LM for left page and RM for right page if you have a double-sided publication. However, you cannot just type in LM or RM on the Master Pages; it won't work as it will be regarded as plain text by PageMaker.

You can also add words such as "Page" and a space in front of LM or RM. To complete the header or footer, you can add the text "of 10", and 10 is the number of the last page in your publication, as shown by the page icons.

Incidentally, if you want to know what components have been installed in your PageMaker 4.0 and 5.0, press and hold down the Ctrl key while you click on Help, About PageMaker(R). You'll see a list of Additions -- with their respective filenames -- and all the import and export filters. In PageMaker 4.0, pressing both Shift and Ctrl will bring out the names of those involved in the pro duction of that version.

-- Zatni Arbi