Sat, 14 Jun 1997

Timor car

I can agree with M. Sulhan Askandar (Timor sedan, Letter, June 9, 1997) on one point, namely, if public servants in government are going to be obliged to prop up the flagging sales of the Timor sedan by using it in preference to other makes, the obligation should apply at all levels. But in other respects I think his views are somewhat blinkered.

From his letter, one might be led to believe that, as a patriotic Indonesian, he owns or intends to own a Timor. Doubtless many patriotic Indonesians would flock to buy an Indonesian car, if one were available, but all they are offered is a not very good Korean car masquerading as Indonesian.

Potential buyers may also find their conscience troubled by the blatant favoritism displayed toward the importer of the Korean car -- with exemption from import duties etc.

