Wed, 02 Feb 2000

Three-star treatment

Entering the intercity toll road at the Pulo Mas entry, East Jakarta, at noon on Feb. 1, there was an Army green Honda sedan behind me that had black-and-white number plates. On the dashboard in front of the driver was a military cap with three stars. Once on the tollway, the driver of this car immediately started to tailgate and flash his headlights at the cars in front of him. These other cars were in the fast lane, and they were overtaking other cars.

Though it appears that military intimidation is not quite a thing of the past, its officers should at least realize that bullying their way around in day-to-day activities is totally inappropriate and will only further tarnish the military's image.

I would like to suggest that the particular motorist I encountered then keep his hat where it belongs.

L. Hollands
