Mon, 12 Jan 2004

Thousands rally against dump plan

BOGOR: Thousands of residents living in the vicinity of a dump planned by the Jakarta administration at Bojong, Klapanunggal, Bogor, staged a rally in front of the site on Sunday to protest against the plan.

The protesters, mostly housewives and children from Situsari, Bojong, Sukamaju and Singasari villages, were supported by the Jakarta branch of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), and the Banten Community Struggle organization.

They erected a 50 centimeter by 100 centimeter sign in front of the proposed dump reading: "A dump in Bojong violates Municipal Bylaw No. 17/2000. Therefore, the residents of eastern Bogor are blocking access to this site." -- JP