Sat, 13 Jul 1996

Thoughtless road users

It may debatable who does more thinking, the people or the variety of animals that wander aimlessly across Banda Aceh roads. The standard of driving, the complete lack of thought for others, the extremely dangerous modes of transport, the minor ages of many so-called drivers and the sheer number of passengers herded together and carried on various means of transport are but a few of the many experiences to be tolerated every living day.

The road to Lhoknga is one I unfortunately have to use, but this is only one in an area that must rank high in the world for producing the greatest number of thoughtless users of the road -- I call them users because they are not drivers, as they know nothing about common sense, cautious behavior or safety.

This letter is about people and carelessness. Imagine the number of vehicles at night that either have no lights at all, or just one out of two lights working, lights of varying power or the real show-offs that drive all the time with high beam. Maybe the latter have some justification, for at least they stand a better chance of seeing the "no lights" brigade, but they blind everyone else in the mean time.

What I cannot understand is how everyone tolerates the situation as if they don't care, as though it's somebody else' concern or problem. The police should do something.

How many clear road signs exist? What is the speed limit? What is the point of zebra crossings? What's wrong with two or three motorcyclists driving along side by side all having a conversation, smoking cigarettes and not wearing crash helmets?

It's time we did something about it.

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