Wed, 11 Aug 1999

Therapy taps vibrating energy in flowers

By Tom Suhalim

JAKARTA (JP): Suffering from stress and migraines, feeling emotionally and mentally fatigued, beset by nagging illnesses and other health problems, maybe it is time for you to consider vibrational flower energy therapy.

In the 1930s a British doctor named Edward Bach discovered a relation between someone's health and flowers. At the time aromatherapy was already quite popular in England, but Dr. Bach found the energy of flowers could heal patients with emotional or physical illnesses better than any other therapy of the time. After years of research and clinical tests, he unveiled to the world his famous Bach 38 Flower Formula.

How exactly is the energy of flowers captured? You take a flower blossom and put it in spring water in a glass (a crystal glass is best). The glass with the flower blossom is then energized with sunlight for several hours, until the flower has faded. After that, the flower blossom is removed from the glass and the energy of the flower has been retained in the water, which is called the master liquid. The flower-energized water is then drunk. And that is vibrational flower energy therapy.

Of course, it is vital to know which flower heals which diseases. Bach researched this question for many years seeking to perfect his flower formula. Now there are more than 300 Bach flower formulas produced by over 40 companies. Normal practice is for each flower formula to come to consumers in its own flower formula bottle.

Richard Gerber, MD wrote in his book Vibrational Medicine, "The flower formula can heal the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of human beings." In holistic health terms, we know there are four states of human spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. If we refer to Einstein's theory that everything is this world is made up of energy, we can say that any energy imbalance in the human body will cause disease.

How is actually the Energy captured from the flowers? When the first time Dr. Bach found the flower energy formula, he found that when he picked the flower and then put it in a glass of water under the sunshine several times, the flower faded. He then took the faded flower from the glass (preferably crystal glass). Now the water already had the energy of the flower. This is the theory of how the energy comes from the flower.

It has been nearly 70 years since Edward Bach discovered flower energy. And now, this therapy is popular the world over. At a traditional event in Venezuela, people actually eat flowers. Also in certain Buddhist ceremonies, flowers are eaten. We know the lotus flower is very important in Buddhism. In Indonesia, there is a ceremony called mandi kembang (flower bath) which is done to protect or heal someone from disease or bad luck. Flowers have become a medium for God to heal human beings.

Vibrational flower energy is a holistic therapy with no toxins, preservatives, additives or other poisons. The flower energy will vibrate in harmony with a person's organs, so our body will heal itself. The organs will vibrate themselves back to their original vibration. Even a pet can use flower energy with no deleterious effects.

What kind of diseases can be cured by vibrational flower energy? Years of research and evidence have proved that a number of people have recovered from illnesses and diseases from this therapy. Psychosomatic illnesses seems particularly vulnerable to flower energy therapy. As we know, more than 70 percent of illnesses in the world are psychosomatic. Emotional imbalance is also a good candidate for vibrational flower energy.

However, in holistic terms, one thing we must know is that only we have the power to heal ourselves. Vibrational flower energy is only a medium from God to help us heal ourselves.

Vibrational flower energy is only an energy, so there are no vitamins or minerals involved. As our bodies need vitamins, minerals, proteins and other goodies to produce energy, we must also ingest food, vitamins and minerals to support our bodies' needs. It is safe to combine vibrational flower energy with other therapies or medicines. This is the optimal way to enhance the other therapies and medicines.

Vibrational flower energy does differ from aromatherapy. In aromatherapy, the oil from flowers are massaged into the patient or inhaled. Vibrational flower energy is taken as an energy supplement for our body. However, the two therapies are both holistic approaches to medicine.

If you are taking a holistic therapy such as acupressure, reflexology, acupuncture, crystal healing, meditation, aromatherapy, nutritional therapy, juice therapy, herbal therapy or yoga, it is beneficial if you also take vibrational flower energy to enhance these therapies. And if you are taking medicine prescribed by a doctor, you can enhance the effectiveness of the drugs and eliminate their side effects with vibrational flower energy.

Vibrational flower energy is safe for human beings, so it does not matter how long you are on this therapy. However, common sense dictates you only take the therapy three times per day until your health improves.

For emotional, mental and spiritual illnesses, this therapy can be taken for months with no negative side effects. Personally, I have taken 100 vibrational flower energy pills at one time with no negative side effects, except for the cost.

This therapy is very popular in England, Eastern Europe and the United States. In the U.S., there are more than 20 companies producing vibrational flower energy pills. In Australia, there is at least one such company.

In Asia there is also one company producing vibrational flower energy pills. In the next millennium, I am confident this therapy will be a blessing for humankind.

If you are bored with drugs, stress, migraines and other ailments and illnesses, vibrational flower energy therapy could be just what you need.

If you want to try the therapy, follow these steps: Select a flower which most interests you (making sure the flower is not poisonous) and meditate until you are fully convinced the flower will heal your disease; pick the flower and put it in a glass of water, and put the glass in the sun for a few hours; take the flower out of the glass with a bamboo stick or the flower stalk; treat the flower and the water with respect, just like it was a human being; drink the water and lay the flower on the ground or burry it.

The writer is the founder of the Jakarta Holistic Care Center.