Theatrical cooperation
From Prospek
Most theatrical works are performed in large cities only, in buildings set aside for such occasions. Therefore, the number in the audience is limited.
In order to enhance the people's appreciation of the theatrical arts, and in line with the advancement of technology, it would be ideal if the theatrical groups could cooperate with the private television stations to broadcast their works of art nationwide.
There is an impression that theatrical performances are a luxury and expensive for the people who live in the countryside. To have the theatrical groups perform in the region would be even more expensive.
The performances also run the risk of being suddenly banned by the local authorities for unclear, often senseless, reasons. In such cases, the theater fans are the ones to lose out because they have bought the tickets for the performance. We still remember the ban of Teater Koma's Opera Kecoa.
My suggestion is that theatrical figures like Rendra, Teguh Karya, Putu Wijaya and Nano Riantiarno should cooperate with the private television stations and the sponsors to present their masterpieces through the service of satellite transmission, like Star TV (Hong Kong) and CCTV (Beijing), which continue to broadcast various quality theatrical works in their respective countries, such as Aida, Hamlet, Sampek Eng Tay, Romeo and Juliet etc. to domestic audiences.
Why don't the private television stations in this country take similar initiatives?
Pontianak, W. Kalimantan