Fri, 23 Dec 1994

Theater during World War II

As a Japanese journalist, I am interested in theatrical activities in your country during the World War II. I am especially interested in a famous sandiwara (drama) group of the time called Bintang Surabaya. It grouped many actors and actresses like Dahlia, Fifi Young and Sally Young and was directed by Fred Young.

Due to the Japanese occupation, many Japanese theatrical persons were also connected with these activities. Unfortunately, however, after an interval of 50 years, almost all the Japanese concerned have already died. I am therefore unable to trace their activities from Japan.

As this period seems very important for the history of cultural contacts between both countries, I'm eagerly looking for the persons who were connected or conversant with the activities of Bintang Surabaya or who know anything about the theatrical activities. I will be glad to visit your country to listen to the stories.

Any information to the undermentioned address (fax: 81-3-3408- 3224) would be highly appreciated.


1-16-2 Matsugaoka

Kugenuma Fujisawa

Kanagawa, Japan 251