Fri, 11 Nov 2005

The problem with visas in Indonesia

I am a expatriate from the United States who has been married to an Indonesian woman for over 10 happy years now. I enjoyed my stays in Indonesian very much and dreamed about retiring there one day to enjoy the warm weather and the warm-hearted people.

But lately, my dream has been turning into a nightmare. With all the negative laws and negative feeling for non-citizens and women citizens in Indonesia, it is becoming impossible to plan on making our dream come true.

I planned to bring all my savings and retirement pensions with me. I would be bringing money into Indonesia, not out. All I would ask for is to live in peace and enjoy my last years in a country I love.

But I have heard nothing but bad reports on the so-called retirement visa. It calls for endless paperwork and money output. I wanted to build a retirement home that I could leave to my wife, but the rules say I can only rent. So I guess I will have to retire elsewhere where there is not endless paperwork and my wife can have a home that we can share together.