Thu, 25 Jun 1998

The President and market trust

From Neraca

As a layman, I was startled to read in Neraca, June 8, a report Habibie: Market trust should not be connected with the Cabinet and himself.

I know and understand that officials in the economic-monetary field, as well as other relevant experts, are at their wit's end and have no course of action left to overcome the monetary crisis. The latest action, Bank Indonesia's certificates with their high interest rates, has not shown any signs of success.

People refer to the X factor outside the current problems. I think that factor is none other than the political factor. Pros and cons with regard to President Habibie apart, the presidential post is a political post, so his opinion that the "market trust should not be connected with the cabinet and himself", is beyond my comprehension.

If the market trust in a country is unrelated to the president and the cabinet, what, then, is the market trust connected with?


Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan