Sun, 20 Jun 2004

The other face of the city

It's a contrasting, almost schizophrenic existence: Literally a stone's throw from the glitzy skyscrapers and posh shopping centers -- the polished side of Jakarta that our leaders want to show to the world -- the real face of the capital for most of its residents can be found.

Here we stumble upon the slum areas nudging the exclusive suburbs of the affluent, get caught in the endless traffic jams that have become the norm, not the exception, and gaze uneasily at the ubiquitous presence street children.

As Jakarta prepares to mark its 477th anniversary on Tuesday, it's time to dig a little deeper and face the reality of life around us. For it's only by honestly acknowledging our faults and foibles that we can work to correct them.

-- Text and photos by P.J.Leo