The Nigeria tragedy
Nigeria, richly endowed with oil land mineral wealth, should be one of Africa's most prosperous and successful countries. But its curse is misrule, usually by generals. Repressive, divisive and corrupt regimes have left Nigeria a shambles. Now the secret trial, conviction and possible execution of some of the country's most respected political leaders threatens new domestic rancor and increased international isolation.
The present regime, which seized power in November 1993, a few months after its predecessor had annulled democratic elections, is one of the worst Nigeria has known. Dominated by General Sani Abacha, it has crushed elected governments at all levels, arbitrarily jailed political opponents, waged war against the Ogoni minority and driven Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka into exile.
Even after almost two years of systematic repression, General Abacha sees enemies everywhere. Earlier this year he announced a delay in his own timetable for a return to elected rule, saying that the country was not ready to govern itself.
Then he claimed to have discovered a widespread conspiracy to overthrow his rule, involving, among others, former president Olusegun Obasanjo, a retired general, and his former deputy, retired Major General Shehu Musa Yar'Adua. Many Nigerians are unconvinced that a conspiracy existed.
Last week a secret military tribunal announced the conviction of 40 people, including generals Obasanjo and Shehu. Some apparently have been sentenced to death, others to life imprisonment.
The reported sentences, especially Obasanjo's, have sparked international criticism and calls for clemency from the Clinton administration, UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Pope John Paul II.
In a world inured to abusive governments, General Abacha's actions have aroused a remarkable broad consensus of concern. He would be foolish to ignore it and deepen Nigeria's tragedy.
-- The New York Times