Sun, 08 Oct 1995

The magic power of precious stones

By Roland M. Sutrisno

JAKARTA (JP): From theologians to trash collectors share a belief in the magic power of certain precious stones. Indonesians wear various stones in their rings, bracelets, earrings, belts, brooches and tie clips. Some even adorn their glass' frames with precious stones.

There is very little written reference to Indonesian precious stones, in either Indonesian or other languages. However, collectors confirm the age-old belief that a stone has influence on the wearer.

Precious stones can make the wearer feel warm, hot or cold.

Jade, for example, is a cold stone.

Ace Amir, a housewife and a serious collector of turquoise, rubies and diamonds, says her stones would always get loose from their mountings even after being carefully mounted by experts.

"Because the stones did not suit me. Now the turquoise I'm wearing has remained in its place for two years. The color has even become darker and more beautiful than when I first wore it," she said.

According to Sulaiman, a paranormal that lives in the Kapuk Muara in West Jakarta, precious stones can also help blood circulation, boost sexual ability, heal a headache or stomachache, and eliminate evil spirits.

A.M. Soembhodo, another collector, says he gets a peculiar feeling while wearing his precious stone rings.

"I have a pleasant physical feeling and other feelings which are hard to describe," says Soembhodo.

"There's also the opinion that precious stones do not have any power whatsoever. Everything depends on the user," said Zuir, who has been selling jewelry since 1975 in Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

The following is a list of precious stones considered most suitable for those born in each month and the influence they reportedly have on the wearer: