Wed, 24 Jul 1996

The hypocrisy among us

The statement which the speaker of the House of Representatives, Wahono, made at the closing of the current session period deserves our attention. Wahono said among other things that at present, signs are clearly visible of a culture of hypocrisy which is affecting some of us, including some of our leaders. What Wahono meant was the incongruity which tends to exist between our words and deeds.

The former provincial governor of Central Java also said that during the recent session period, the House clearly observed this disconcerting social phenomenon and the tendency of our state administrators to merely react to developments, which demonstrates their lack of mental readiness to confront uncontrollable social and political conditions that might arise.

Such a condition is actually the result of two different crises that are at present taking place. One is the lack of appropriate role models, while the other concerns the people's trust. It is not easy at present for people to find role models. Meanwhile, the people who are in a position to guard the people's trust are failing to do so.

Our political stage is not one that ignores moral values, or one where the end justifies the means. Because of our Pancasila philosophy, our political arena should reflect good ethics and political morals. Therefore, any incongruity between words and deeds cannot be condoned. The same goes for arbitrary and violent behavior.

Regarding this culture of hypocrisy -- assuming that it does indeed exist -- the big questions are: How did it come about? How do we get over it?

We profess to be a religious people. Religious tolerance in our daily lives is praised by others. P4 Pancasila instruction courses are continuously being held. Yet deceit and hypocrisy continue to exist. Why?

This is a serious question. However, we must not lose our optimism for a better tomorrow.

-- Surabaya Post