Wed, 23 Oct 2002

The heart of the nation

This is not meant to sound patronizing at all, but when you are a westerner and live in Indonesia you cannot help but wonder why there are so many ethnic and religious conflicts in this country. A lack of a meaningful, open and worthwhile education must have a lot to do with it, as surely tunnel-vision teaching only produces narrow-minded students and points of view.

When I first came here I was swamped by the image of family life, respect, kindness and humanity, but then that was ten years ago. I'm not saying all that has gone, which it hasn't, but conflicts, hatred, pious bigots, cruelty, hypocrisy and a total disrespect for law and order has almost dominated the past few years, such that all those good qualities, which are indeed Indonesia, have been stifled and almost driven into isolation.

Also one would accept that the leadership and examples as given by those running this nation have been appalling to say the least. That in turn, no doubt frustrates, annoys and humiliates the people such that they couldn't care less for politics, their leaders or anything at all to do with the elite on-bloc. The very heart of the people and the nation has been slowly destroyed by a system that is built on corruption, greed and power.

It is at times like this, when a major atrocity has occurred that the leadership in desperate times, turns to the nation for their support. That support no doubt will come, because in general the people of this country are sincere, reliable and united.


Medan, North Sumatra