The first issue of The Sunday Post
The same message has constantly cropped up in readership surveys and field interviews conducted by this newspaper over the last three years: Readers want a Sunday edition of the Post.
"A true Sunday paper that appears on Sunday, not a Saturday paper, so we won't have to miss one single turn of the earth's revolution", a reader once said.
For years we have shared the feeling that something is missing on Sunday -- a feeling that there is a gap in our reporting that must be filled. Besides, a no-paper day is unthinkable for many of our readers. Therefore, early this year we decided that it was imperative that we publish a Sunday edition of our newspaper.
A special team, under the coordination of our Features Editor Ms Lela Madjiah, was set up to prepare for the publication of The Sunday Post. Short-staffed as we are, that is not an easy task to accomplish. And the fact that a Sunday newspaper must be both entertaining and informative poses a challenge in itself.
And so, if today we proudly present to you the inaugural edition of The Sunday Post, it is not only to fill in the blank spots and to cheer up your Sundays, it is also part of our endeavor to continue this newspaper's commitment to become the true Journal of Indonesia Today.