The Chinese Years (from 1945 to 1996) Rooster Feb. 13, 1945 to Feb. 1, 1946 Dog Feb. 2, 1946 to Jan. 21, 1947 Pig Jan. 22, 1947 to Feb. 9, 1948 Rat Feb. 10, 1948 to Jan. 28, 1949 Ox Jan. 29, 1949 to Feb. 16, 1950 Tiger Feb. 17, 1950 to Feb. 5, 1951 Rabbit Feb. 6, 1951 to Jan. 26, 1952 Dragon Jan. 27, 1952 to Feb. 13, 1953 Snake Feb. 14, 1953 to Feb. 2, 1954 Horse Feb. 3, 1954 to Jan. 23, 1955 Goat Jan. 24, 1955 to Feb. 11, 1956 Monkey Feb. 12, 1956 to Jan. 30, 1957 Rooster Jan. 31, 1957 to Feb. 17, 1958 Dog Feb. 18, 1958 to Feb. 7, 1959 Pig Feb. 8, 1959 to Jan. 27, 1960 Rat Jan. 28, 1960 to Feb. 14, 1961 Ox Feb. 15, 1961 to Feb. 4, 1962 Tiger Feb. 5, 1962 to Jan. 24, 1963 Rabbit Jan. 25, 1963 to Feb. 12, 1964 Dragon Feb. 13, 1964 to Feb. 1, 1965 Snake Feb. 2, 1965 to Jan. 20, 1966 Horse Jan. 21, 1966 to Feb. 8, 1967 Goat Feb. 9, 1967 to Jan. 29, 1968 Monkey Jan. 30, 1968 to Feb. 16, 1969 Rooster Feb. 17, 1969 to Feb. 5, 1970 Dog Feb. 6, 1970 to Jan. 26, 1971 Pig Jan. 27, 1971 to Feb. 14, 1972 Rat Feb. 15, 1972 to Feb. 2, 1973 Ox Feb. 3, 1973 to Jan. 22, 1974 Tiger Jan. 23, 1974 to Feb. 10, 1975 Rabbit Feb. 11, 1975 to Jan. 30, 1976 Dragon Jan. 31, 1976 to Feb. 17, 1977 Snake Feb. 18, 1977 to Feb. 6, 1978 Horse Feb. 7, 1978 to Jan. 27, 1979 Goat Jan. 28, 1979 to Feb. 15, 1980 Monkey Feb. 16, 1980 to Feb. 4, 1981 Rooster Feb. 5, 1981 to Jan. 24, 1982 Dog Jan. 25, 1982 to Feb. 12, 1983 Pig Feb. 13, 1983 to Feb. 1, 1984 Rat Feb. 2, 1984 to Feb. 19, 1985 Ox Feb. 20, 1985 to Feb. 8, 1986 Tiger Feb. 9, 1986 to Jan. 28, 1987 Rabbit Jan. 29, 1987 to Feb. 16, 1988 Dragon Feb. 17, 1988 to Feb. 5, 1989 Snake Feb. 6, 1989 to Jan. 26, 1990 Horse Jan. 27, 1990 to Feb. 14, 1991 Goat Feb. 15, 1991 to Feb. 3, 1992 Monkey Feb. 4, 1992 to Jan. 22, 1993 Rooster Jan. 23, 1993 to Feb. 9, 1994 Dog Feb. 10, 1994 to Jan. 30, 1995 Pig Jan. 31, 1995 to Feb. 18, 1996
Note: The names of the signs in the Chinese zodiac occasionally differ in the various books on Chinese astrology, although the characteristic of the signs remain the same. In some books the Ox is referred to as the Buffalo or Bull, the Rabbit as the Hare or Cat, the Goat as the Sheep and the Pig as the Boar. For the sake of convenience, the male gender is used throughout this book. Unless otherwise stated, the characteristics of the signs apply to both sexes.