The banning of 'Perspektif'
From Kompas
I would like to say many thanks to all of the people involved in banning the television program Perspektif hosted by Wimar Witoelar.
This program invited us to think critically in order to widen our horizons, it also made us see how to improve our knowledge and to develop our hobbies. We were judiciously advised about the why's of problems and were even introduced to unknown personalities.
However, even without us thinking critically, Indonesia continues to exist in running condition. It would now be good to find a substitute for the defunct Perspektif.
The preference goes to a telenovella or a sinetron (television mini-series) because of the myriad fans those programs have generated. Through this type of TV programs the community will witness the progress of hedonism and experience the draining of their emotions.
The programs will open the way to slavish imitation for an even higher growth of such a lifestyle in Indonesia. It is even better that all private TV stations conjunctionally air the same type of programs so as to confuse me in my choice. There remains one alternative, that is, to switch off the tube.
To Wimar Witoelar, see you again at the right time.