Fri, 29 Jul 1994

Thank you Indonesia

From Media Indonesia

My name is Yoshi. I spoke very little of the Indonesian language when I came here from Japan a year ago. But after attending the language course at BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Participants), Literature Department of UI (University of Indonesia) under the student exchange program, I have gained proficiency in the language. It is because, besides studying its formal expressions, I also have been studying its various colloquial expressions and even the slang.

Unlike the people in Japan, not to mention the people in other countries, the people here are very hospitable and so easy to make friends with. I am of the opinion that the hospitality of the people of a country is a necessary factor in fostering good relations with other countries in the world.

Since Japan opened its doors to the outside world after the Meiji era, it has always looked to the West. Until today, many people in the country still think that "internationalization" is like westernization. It is also often associated within the context of economic, political and governmental relations with other nations.

I think understanding of other nations' cultures, especially through the student exchange program, is indispensable in order to foster good relations with other nations. A nation will face problems with other nations if its relationships with other nations is merely based on economics and politics.

I think the students who attend colleges in foreign countries under the student exchange program will gain great understanding of the cultures of the countries where they study. This is because the students have to communicate directly with the people of the countries.

It has taken me about a year to adapt and to understand the Indonesian people. As a result many Indonesians even see me as a local.

With this opportunity, I sincerely would like to express my gratitude to my teachers and friends who have made my life happy during my stay in this country.


Depok, West Java