Fri, 01 Jun 2001

Terror continues at Budiman's village

BOGOR (JP): There was a second explosion at the house of the parents of Budiman Sudjatmiko, chairman of the People's Democratic Party (PRD), in the village of Sukaresmi here on Thursday, following an explosion a day earlier.

The second explosion, smaller than the first blast, left a hole as big as a man's fist in the ground and the smell of sulfur hanging in the air.

A neighbor, Sujiman, 50, said he saw a flare at the same time the explosion was heard.

Wartono Karyo Utomo, Budiman's father, said he had just returned from a night patrol with other village residents when the explosion occurred. "It was 1:15 a.m. when I returned home and the explosion took place about 30 minutes later when I was listening to the radio."

"I dashed outside to see what was going on," Wartono said. "I believe that the explosions are related to my son Budiman's political activities. This is mental terrorism against us."

Budiman's mother Sri Sulastri said on Wednesday that two people came to the house on Sunday inquiring about Budiman's address.

Bogor Police deputy chief Comr. Damisnur said he was not certain that the hole was caused by the blast on Thursday.

"It was just a small explosion from a firecracker," the officer said. "I have ordered my men to investigate the case, including questioning the house owners. Who knows, maybe the explosion was arranged by Budiman's men. It's possible."

Sulastri mother protested the officer's suggestion. "Budiman and his friends respect me very much."

Some parties accuse PRD of practicing communism, which is banned in Indonesia.

The party has also been accused of being involved in several violent incidents in the country, including the destruction of Golkar Party offices in several towns in East Java and Yogyakarta. (21/sur)