Sun, 24 Oct 1999

Tenants say why they love apartment living

Living in an apartment remains a strange concept to many Indonesians, who would rather have their feet securely on the ground in a home of their own.

Some of their concerns include a lack of privacy and a fear of cramped space, especially because of extended families.

But expatriates and Indonesians familiar with apartment life from living abroad are snapping up the many opportunities available on the market today. They know the advantages of picking the right apartment for them, be it a luxury facility or a simple serviced apartment for the single executive whose needs are a comfortable place to lay his or her head.

Here some of them tell why they picked an apartment to make their home.

Toto, 31, an upper-income real estate broker and antique shop owner, he is a bachelor:

Living at home with my family in Kuningan was easy because I never had to worry about anything. There was always food on the table, my laundry was done and my siblings and nieces and nephews were always there for me. But I decided that it was time for me to be independent. I wanted that without having to move into a boardinghouse, and the apartment seemed right.

It has everything I want, and I was already a member of its fitness center so I was familiar with the building. It is centrally located and well-secured. It is serviced, so I never have to worry about dropping off my clothes at the local dry cleaning service or if the apartment is clean if I have unexpected guests.

Security was really important to me because I remembered that after the May riots I was stuck in my house for several days. I nearly went crazy because I couldn't go anywhere. When I checked out this apartment, I wanted to make sure that I would be in a place which was protected no matter what happened.

The convenience is another plus. There is a shopping mall just a few hundred meters away, but there is no need for me to go out because everything is taken care of for me here.

True, sometimes I miss my family, but they are always there for me. My apartment is my own space, and I can do what I want here, entertain and meet whoever I choose. And I still visit my family at least once a week to drop off my laundry.

John, 27, a single expatriate.

I had my own home in a central area of the city and I was working two jobs when I decided to look for an apartment. It seems like a silly, petty reason, but it was because the neighborhood security guards were such a pain. I was tired of coming home and having to brave their stupid comments and inquiries. It was even worse for my Indonesian girlfriend who was continually peppered with snide comments.

The situation became intolerable so I looked around. I weighed the options of moving to a house in another area but I decided an apartment was the best choice for me. Privacy and the convenience to my workplace sealed the deal for me. Best of all is the absence of nosy neighbors and the veritable battalion of security guards from my old neighborhood. That's no joke. In my old home, I always felt under scrutiny and unnerved by that vigilante kind of mentality of the neighborhood security patrols and the use of their authority to pry into other people's business.

It's so easy to live in the apartment. It has everything taken care of, including modern furniture, so there is nothing to worry about. It is very low-maintenance. There is a convenience store downstairs which is of great benefit to someone like me who is always on the run. The shop sells fresh produce, milk, coffee and bread. I can just go downstairs and get whatever I need whenever I need. There are also tennis courts, a swimming pool and other amenities. It is great having a swimming pool although I don't get to use it very much. The restaurant downstairs is good, too, because I can order something up if I don't feel like cooking or going out.

And if I want, on my day off I can while away the time in my apartment without ever having to go out in Jakarta. There are also washing machines and a dry cleaner downstairs. And I haven't formally met my neighbors, which, to me, is an enormous plus. People are friendly but you can choose to ignore them if you want. You are true to your own devices. And it is so good to have a band of professional security guards.

Tini, 29, a media worker:

My apartment is so convenient. There is easy access to all areas of the city because it is right in the city center. Whenever I need to go out, or have to do something, it is easy.

I also like the privacy. I work until late and when I come home, there is no need to engage in small talk with my neighbors. They get on with their lives and me with mine.

I think a lot of Indonesians are not open to the idea of living in apartments because they have such big families. They have a grandmother, or an uncle or aunt, who is living with them and it creates the need for more rooms, more space. And I guess it will be the same for me when I have a family because I don't think most apartments are a good environment to bring up children. Most of them, I think, don't have playgrounds. But right now this is great for me. My parents live outside of town but when they do come here, they respect my privacy and stay in hotels.

Ricky, 30, an executive:

My family was kind of forced by circumstance to take an apartment. We have a house in South Jakarta but it was partially damaged by fire. When renovations began, we had to consider a place to stay in for the time being because the work and noise became unbearable for my parents. We decided to buy an apartment because we considered it an investment for the future.

It was exactly what we needed until repairs on the house were finished. The apartment is centrally located with two bedrooms, giving enough space for me and my parents. Everything is easily available. Not only do we have a convenience store downstairs, but shops and restaurants are nearby. My mother, who had never really thought of living in an apartment before, was struck by the advantages of it compared to running a big home.

When the house was finished, my parents moved back although I stayed on in the apartment for a time. I admit that I felt a bit lonely at first by myself but it also provided a good change for me to be on my own. We originally intended to rent the apartment but we are now using it for some relatives who are visiting from out of town. It is safe, secure and it has full facilities for them and their children to use.

Susi, 40, a housewife and mother of three:

We lived in a housing complex when the May riots occurred. It was terrible, with all the swirling rumors about mobs roaming the streets ready to rampage and pillage. My husband was worried and advised me to think about the possibility of living in an apartment in the center of the city. He believed it would be safer and more strategically located in the event of more riots.

At first I resisted. I thought that living in an apartment would be too much of a drastic change for my children, that they would miss the house with the yard. But he convinced me to try, that if we didn't like it we could always move back to the house.

Well, it has been such a surprise. I never imagined the convenience of life in an apartment, not having to bother too much about the housework. Everything is here, or is only a short trip away. And the kids love it. They love to swim and play in the special children's area in the apartment complex. Security is so good I never have to worry about their welfare or them wandering off. Our security guards keep an eye on them, and give me peace of mind. (Bruce Emond)