Fri, 06 Aug 1999

Tempo Scan ready for Y2K

JAKARTA (JP): Pharmaceutical and distribution firm Tempo Scan Pacific (TPS) announced on Thursday it has completed its Y2K compliance program and is ready to face possible millennium bug problems.

The publicly listed company said in a statement that the testing process for all critical computer software and hardware had been completed.

"The Y2K compliance preparation and final testing processes have been audited by Prasetio Strategic Consulting," the statement said.

TSP -- the producer and distributor of medicines including Hemaviton, Bodrex, Bodrexin, Oskadon and Contrex and cosmetic products such as Marina, Claudia, Revlon and Estee Lauder -- now operates six factories and over 30 distribution centers nationwide, with around 6,000 employees.

The company has established a new subsidiary PT Tempo Data System to operate all its computer systems. (cst)