Sat, 02 Jul 2005

'Teens think being permissive is cool'

In a recent survey of students by the Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (Love the Nation's Children Foundation, YCAB), one in two respondents had a tolerant attitude toward "pornography", while one in five seemed to indicate permissive views on drugs and violence. The Jakarta Post asked residents for their thoughts on the issue.

Meutia Fanny Marhami, 18, is a student at SMK 14 vocational high school. She lives in Percetakan Negara, Central Jakarta.

Yes, I believe the survey is correct. Many of my fellow students are permissive regarding sex, violence, and drugs because they think that being involved in those activities can be considered sophisticated.

The problem is "being sophisticated" is being defined by the media, especially television. Television has made what was once unacceptable behavior become a positive attitude.

Another reason is poverty. Many of my friends, who occasionally become prostitutes, say they did it because they need the money. I don't know if this reason is acceptable, but maybe a few teen prostitutes are experiencing economic hardship.

To minimize this phenomena, students or teenagers as a whole, should be aware that they are responsible to their parents.

Parents have worked hard to make our future better than theirs, therefore we should appreciate that by avoiding engaging in negative or even harmful habits even if it means we will not be considered "sophisticated".

Masaru Taftryo, 15, is a student at SMP 115 junior high school. He lives in Tebet, South Jakarta.

I guess the way teenagers hang out today is different from, let's say, ten years ago. Now, teenagers are not ashamed or reluctant to engage in intimate activities with their partners, consume drugs, or commit violence.

The major influence is their peer groups. The old formula about "who ever you hang out with makes you become like them" still rings true.

One of the ways to overcome this problem is by holding sex and drug education classes. And also, everyone, teachers and parents, should encourage teenagers to follow religious teachings, so they understand what is good and what is bad.

-- The Jakarta Post