Tue, 16 Jul 1996

Tedious, uninspired and tiresome

Having been in Indonesia for nine years I have seen The Jakarta Post grow from a flimsy provincial paper to the leading professional daily here. Congratulations!

But having talked to a few old-timers, we discovered one pet peeve in common.

"Your Letters" has always been one of the first items we read when we get the paper. Freedom of expression is a democratic and laudable thing.

However, being bombarded on an almost daily basis by the opinions of Mr. Piero Ronci, Mr. Osvaldo Coelho, and Chandramouli has made us skip that feature altogether.

We believe that these gentlemen should be given their own column and give way to other people's opinions on a variety of subjects. They have an unfortunate tendency to flog dead horses.

Or even better, if they like to write so much why don't they write to each other and leave us out of it.

Name and address

known to editor