Thu, 27 Oct 1994

Team reports preparations for APEC

JAKARTA (JP): Minister/State Secretary Moerdiono, also chairman of the committee for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, met with President Soeharto here yesterday to report on preparations for the November meeting.

"I have just reported to the President on the field preparations for the coming APEC economic leaders meeting," Moerdiono said at the Bina Graha presidential office.

He told journalists that his report focused on the arrangement of two main events, the leader's working dinner on Nov. 14 and the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting (AELM) on Nov. 15.

Indonesia will host the sixth APEC Ministerial Meeting here on from Nov. 11 to Nov. 12, which will be followed by the second AELM at the Bogor Presidential Palace, some 60 kilometers south of here, on Nov. 15.

APEC comprises Canada, the United States, Mexico, Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. Chile will join the forum next month.

Fifteen heads of state are expected to be in Indonesia to represent their countries in the "informal" meeting in Bogor.


"I don't have to be given a higher chair ... I want all the AELM leaders to be sitting in equal positions," Moerdiono quoted Soeharto as instructing him on the seating arrangements in the Garuda Room of the Bogor palace, where the leaders will convene.

Soeharto, as host, will sit in the middle, sandwiched between two of the most powerful leaders in the world -- U.S. President Bill Clinton on the right and Japanese Prime Minister Murayama on the left.

The other leaders will sit in alphabetical order, starting from Australia at the far right to Thailand on the left.

The Indonesian government has left nothing to chance in preparations for what should be a highly momentous occasion in the country's history.

Under the auspices of Moerdiono, a special host committee has been formed to oversee the running of APEC meetings.

Due to the significance of the event, a horde of media people are expected to descend on the APEC meeting venues, with over 2,300 local and foreign journalists registered so far.


Moerdiono said the president is paying tremendous attention to the activities and needs of the journalists covering the AELM in Bogor.

While the leaders convene inside the palace, journalists outside will be entertained by dances and other cultural shows to help them pass the seven-hour wait constructively.

"The sound system will be directed in such a way that it does not disturb the leaders meeting inside," Sampurno, the head of the presidential household and a member of the APEC national host committee, remarked.

"Where will the toilets for the journalists be?" Soeharto was quoted as asking in an obvious show of concern.

Sampurno explained that 20 toilets will be available for the exclusive use of journalists.

While the leaders are busy conversing in Bogor, a ladies program has been planned at the Indonesian Miniature Park (TMII).

In the afternoon, first lady Tien Soeharto will host a luncheon at the Merdeka Palace here.

Sampurno said that American first lady Hillary Clinton might not attend the luncheon because she would likely be traveling to Yogyakarta.

Speaking on preparations for the working dinner to be held at the Jakarta Convention Center on the eve of the AELM, Moerdiono expects about 200 guests.

"The working dinner will be an opportunity for the leaders to exchange views on the decisions that could be reached in Bogor on Nov. 15," Moerdiono said. (mds)

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