Tax settlement on duty
JAKARTA (JP): All legal suits or appeals on tax matters, starting from Jan. 1, will be handled by the new Tax Settlement Body on Jl. Menteng Raya No. 21, 8th floor, Jakarta 10330, the Ministry of Finance announced yesterday.
The head of the ministry's legal and public relations department, Agus Haryanto, said in a statement that the public could challenge tax-related decisions taken by the director general of taxes, the director general of customs and excise, provincial governors and heads of regencies and mayoralties.
Agus said legal suits had to be filed within 14 days of tax disputes emerging, while appeals had to be sent within three months after decisions on tax disputes were issued.
Both suits and appeals must be completed with acceptable reasons and copies of tax disputes or decisions on tax disputes and of tax payments.
The Tax Settlement Body was mandated by Law No. 17/1997. (rid)