Mon, 01 Jul 1996

Tarmizi hails choir contest as proof of religious tolerance

JAKARTA (JP): Minister of Religious Affairs Tarmizi Taher said that the recent church choir contest in predominantly Moslem Surabaya, East Java, was proof of the growing tolerance among religious groups.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the contest, known as Pesparawi, in Surabaya on Friday, Tarmizi told the Christian community that the smooth running of the contest should be considered cause for gratitude.

"The Christian community should be thankful. This contest wouldn't have succeeded without a high level of tolerance from the East Javanese Moslems," he was quoted by Antara as saying.

"A few years ago, it was pretty much impossible for any Christian gathering to be held in this city," he admitted. "I was born here and lived here for thirteen years, and never imagined that Surabaya could ever host a church choir contest."

Moslems make up 96.68 percent of East Java's population of about 34 million. Protestants constitute 1.59 percent, Catholics 0.99 percent, Hindus 0.48 percent and Buddhists 0.29 percent.

The minister pointed out that like the Koran recital contests, known as Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an, choir contests and other religious festivals are directed only at the religious groups in question. "They are not meant as a show of aggression toward any other religious group," he said.

He called on all religions to learn about and understand other faiths. "We are entering the 21st century with all its challenges. We cannot imagine how our children will fare without religion as the source of our values," he said.

Tarmizi warned against the danger of religious radicalism which he said was spreading worldwide. "Here, the people and the government, along with the Armed Forces, will never tolerate religious extremism or radicalism," he said.

The organizer of the church choir contest, Suharko, announced on the ceremony that a delegation from North Sulawesi won the contest. West Java got "best conductor".

The next contest will be held in 2000 in Kupang, West Timor, East Nusa Tenggara. (swe)