Thu, 21 Apr 1994

Tansil proposes deal to handle Bapindo losses

JAKARTA (JP): A lawyer for Eddy Tansil said yesterday that his client has offered several of his companies, which he claims to be worth about Rp 1.5 trillion (US$698 million), as compensation for the losses caused by his default on loans from the state Development Bank of Indonesia (Bapindo).

Gani Djemat told The Jakarta Post and Kompas dailies that Tansil decided on Monday to transfer the management and ownership of eight of his companies to the government to repay his syndicated loans from Bapindo and three other state banks--Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia and Bank BNI.

Tansil, the owner of the Golden Key Group, is one of the main suspects in the investigation of loan scandal at state-owned Bapindo estimated to involve Rp 1.3 trillion, including interest charges.

Tansil, currently in the custody of the Attorney General, is accused of corruption and illegally disbursing loans.

Gani said the eight companies are P.T. Hamparan Rejeki, P.T. Graha Swakarsa Prima, P.T. Dinamika Erajaya, P.T. Pusaka Warna Polypropylene, P.T. Cilegon Multi Wahana Service, P.T. Materindo Suprametal Work, P.T. Glasifibindo Indah and P.T. Sukma Beta Sempurna.

"The state banks may assign an independent appraisal company to estimate the value of the eight companies," Gani said.

Meanwhile A. Sutomo, the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, said separately that the Attorney General's Office has received Tansil's proposal for transferring his eight companies and is still evaluating the offer.

Sutomo said his office has frozen all of Tansil's accounts in several banks and seized 21 houses belonging to him. But he did not mention the total value of Tansil's foreclosed assets and the amount of state losses thus far recovered.

The deputy Attorney General said his office will soon summon Nasrudin Sumintapura, the former junior minister of finance, as well as J.B. Sumarlin, chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency, for interrogation.

He said that they will be questioned to collect additional information for the trial of the six suspects already arrested.

Sudomo, chairman of the Supreme Advisory Council, and under allegations of influence peddling, has already testified before the prosecutors.

But Sutomo said his office has not set a date for the questioning since both officials are reportedly very busy.

Meanwhile Muhammad Assegaf, who assists Harjono Tjitrosoebono in defending Sjahrizal, a former Bapindo president, said that they would demand Sudomo, Sumarlin and Nasrudin testify before the court.

"We will not have the chance to examine their testimony if the three high officials do not appear in court," Assegaf said.

Four other suspects have been arrested by the Attorney General's Office. They are Subekti Ismaun and Towil Heryoto, both former Bapindo's presidents; Bambang Kuntjoro, former Bapindo Director and Maman Suparman, former Bapindo Jakarta deputy manager. (02)