Mon, 07 Jun 2004

Tangerang to prosecute firms for polluting river

Multa Fidrus, Tangerang

Tangerang is planning to prosecute up to four companies suspected of dumping toxic waste into the Cisadane River, the mayor said.

Mayor Wahidin Halim said he would name the firms responsible for the pollution at the Achmad Yani soccer stadium on June 10, in conjunction with World Environment Day.

"Investigations are still being conducted by officials from the State Minister of the Environment's office," he said on Saturday.

He said there was strong evidence two firms had dumped poisonous liquid waste into the river that polluted tap water in the Tangerang regency and municipality.

Wahidin said his administration was still investigating two other companies also suspected of dumping raw waste into the river.

As soon as the investigations were completed, the cases would be brought to court, he said.

The Tangerang municipality is home to some 800 industrial firms situated in the Batu Ceper, Jatiuwung and Benda districts. The Tangerang regency, meanwhile, is the base of more than 2,000 industries, spread out over the Pasar Kemis, Cikupa, Balaraja, Curug, Legog and Serpong areas.

City Secretary Harry Mulya Zain told The Jakarta Post the industries in the municipality had contributed nothing to the local administration and had only caused environmental problems.

The city only received fees from building permits, local authority consents and the tax on groundwater. All other production taxes were collected by the central government.

"We hope the firms here can create jobs for people living in areas around the industries," he said.

Harry claimed the administration would not worry if foreign investors preferred to close their business here and move to Vietnam.

"We need investors who are willing to comply with the bylaws," he said.

Health and environmental agencies and tap water operators in the area conducted a joint survey of the Cisadane River on Aug. 29, last year.

The survey found the water was being polluted by liquid waste.

Tangerang Regent Ismet Iskandar has sent letters to the state minister's office alleging five other firms were also polluting the environment.

The regency environmental agency head Deden Sugandhi said Ismet had discussed the environmental damage with State Minister of the Environment Nabiel Makarim.

"During the discussion, the regent talked about the firms' alleged pollution, rampant illegal sand mining activities by locals, offshore sand excavation causing erosion, poor mechanisms to control industrial waste and the degradation of 37 wetlands in the area," he said.