Fri, 26 Apr 2002

Tamsil, Jamal to return home

JAKARTA: The Indonesian embassy in the Philippines has finally succeeded in convincing the Philippine immigration office that Tamsil Linrung and Abdul Jamal Balfas did not bring explosives and did not violate immigration rules.

Indonesia's Ambassador to the Philippines FX Soeratmin confirmed the acquittal of the two Indonesian nationals by phone from Jakarta on Thursday afternoon.

"The two have been acquited and allowed to return to Indonesia. They may arrive in Jakarta on Friday afternoon," said Soeratmin, a former assistant for operational affairs to the chief of general staff of the Indonesian Military.

The conformation of the acquittal of Tamsil and Jamal was obtained on Thursday afternoon after the Indonesian embassy convinced the Philippine immigration office that the two were innocent.

On the other Indonesian detainee in the Philippines, Agus Dwikarna, the ambassador was also optimistic that Agus would likewise be free.

"We are striving for Agus Dwikarna's acquittal," Soeratmin said. -- Antara