Sun, 23 Jan 2000

From: Jawawa


Table 1

Language components most presented in the class

---------------------------------------------- Language component Percentage of respondents ---------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 54.8% Grammar 52.7% Literature 34.4%

Table 2

Perceived lack of interest in studying language components

---------------------------------------------- Language component Percentage of respondents ---------------------------------------------- Grammar 35.5% Vocabulary 31.2% Literature 23.6%

Table 3

Reported numbers of recommended novels or short stories read throughout high school years

----------------------------------------------------------------- Number of novels/short stories read Percentage of respondents ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0-5 34.4.% None 18.3% 6-10 15.1% more than 20 12.9%

Table 4

Language skills most taught in high schools

------------------------------------------- Language skills Percentage of respondents ------------------------------------------- Listening 62.4% Reading 49.5% Writing 43.1% Speaking 19.3%

Table 5

Perceived difficulty of learning literary genres most taught in high schools

------------------------------------------------------ Literary genre Most taught Most difficult to learn ------------------------------------------------------ Poem 68.8% 63.4% Short story 36.5% 7.5% Drama 29.0% 21.5% Novel 23.6% 20.4%