Wed, 26 Aug 1998

Sympathizers defend sultan's candidacy

YOGYAKARTA: Hundreds of supporters of Yogyakarta Sultan Hamengkubuwono X are camped out at the local legislature and threatening to take matters into their own hands if the central government fails to immediately confirm him as governor.

Present at the legislative council building since the weekend, the group said "the people" themselves would install Sri Sultan to replace the retired Paku Alam VIII today.

A stage was constructed yesterday at the legislature's compound where the planned inauguration ceremony will be held.

"This is an expression of the people's sovereignty and a true democracy. The government should learn from this case that the people are not subjects to be deceived," said Eko Prastowo, one of those who planned the inauguration ceremony.

Meanwhile, tens of supporters traveled around the ancient town to circulate invitations to the public to attend the ceremony. (23/44)