Fri, 03 Jun 2005

Sutiyoso honored for smoke-free campaign

Governor Sutiyoso was recognized on Monday by the National Committee on Smoking Control (Komnas PPM) for his efforts to introduce smoke-free zones to Jakarta.

The award was presented in observance of World No-Tobacco Day, which fell on May 31.

"We appreciate the Jakarta administration's commitment to regulating public places as smoke-free zones, as stipulated in Bylaw No. 2/2005 on air pollution," Komnas PPM chairman Farid Anfasa Moeloek said.

Farid called on other regional administrations and the central government to follow the Jakarta administration's example in banning smoking in public places.

Sutiyoso, who calls himself a "former chain-smoker", said his subordinates also deserved the award for their support for the newly issued regulation.

Sutiyoso's administration has taken the initiative to enforce the regulation six months ahead its originally scheduled February 2006 enforcement date in a bid to set an example for other parties. --JP