Tue, 16 Jul 1996

Suspect insists he's innocent

TANGERANG, West Java (JP): One of four defendants charged with robbery said yesterday that the police forced him to sign an admission of guilt.

"I had nothing to do with the robbery. The police must have caught the wrong man. I had to admit to committing the crime and sign statements because I could not stand being pressured by the officers," Jamari, 35, said at the Tangerang District Court, which was presided over by Judge Andy Hetty.

Prosecutor Samsudin accused Jamari, 35-year-old Dulkoni, 28- year-old Wawan Kurniawan, Surya and two other accomplices, of robbing the house of H. Nurjaya in Kemiri village, Tangerang, in September of last year.

In his indictment Samsudin said the six men broke into the house of Nurjaya early in the morning of Sept. 28, 1995.

After overpowering Nurjaya the suspects ransacked the house before making off with Rp 7.5 million in cash and a land certificate.

One was shot to death by the police for resisting arrest while another is still at large.

The defendants were accompanied by their lawyer Herry Gunawan at the trial, which was adjourned until next week. (28/bas)