Surjadi receives best village heads
Governor Surjadi Soedirdja has said the visiting best village heads from the country's 27 provinces should see Jakarta in a more balanced way, weighing the metropolis' negative and positive sides, and hence not readily condoning their residents moving to the city.
People from other areas, Surjadi said, tend to think only from a favorable side that Jakarta is the best place for making money and looking for jobs.
"Jakarta's superb, lavish appearance must be seen from the right perspective because its status as the country's capital city is like the cover of a book. It must look good and interesting in order to attract prospective readers to open and read the book," he said.
However, people from other areas must take into account the city's negative sides as well, Surjadi warned.
The 27 best village heads are in the city together with team leaders of the Family Welfare Movement, 135 best teachers, and 27 best librarians at the invitation of the national committee for the Aug. 18 Independence Day celebrations. (arf)