Fri, 16 Sep 1994


Supreme Court

From Forum Keadilan

University students and intellectuals often voice their concern about the inconsistent implementation of law in this country. They feel that the Supreme Court does not function as it is supposed to.

The Supreme Court, in a lawful state, constitutes the pillar of justice. Therefore, the existence and freedom of this body is guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution.

The decision of the Supreme Court in favor of the claim made by 34 citizens in the Kedungombo case shows that justice can still be enjoyed by seekers of equity. This demonstrates that the Supreme Court, as a judicial control organ, is independent of the power of other bodies, and places itself on equal footing with the executive power.

It is true that in reality the 1945 Constitution gives the government strong powers. But, being a logical consequence of a lawful country, that power is limited. The decision of the Supreme Court strengthens society's confidence in the government. As the highest judicial body, the Supreme Court's independence is conducive to the realization of justice and welfare for all people.

