Thu, 24 Sep 1998

Support to Clinton

I offer my support to President Clinton and his family. It is unfair that he is being humiliated in such a way, as if he were a criminal who had harmed his country and the American people.

Under traditional Islamic law, as I understand, someone who commits adultery is stoned in front of a crowd of people. The purpose of this punishment is to make the adulterer humiliated and embarrassed.

Is that what Kenneth Starr and the U.S. House of Representatives are trying to do now?

Some believe that it is not the love affair the Starr investigation is all about, but the lies that Clinton is responsible for. I agree with this. However, tell me if there is any man who does not lie when he commits an extra marital sexual affair.

What Clinton did is actually nothing but his personal affair. He was not under oath for his personal sex life when he was sworn in as president of the United States. Clinton's case is more between his God and his family than his country.

No one denies that his sexual misconduct is his main weakness, and his way of defending himself is indecent. However, in my opinion, impeachment and asking him to resign seem to be irrelevant.

I was disgusted reading the Starr report detailing the Clinton / Lewinsky relationship. I wonder why the U.S. Congress has so much interest in someone's sex life, when there are many other important issues both domestically and internationally that need greater attention.

I feel sorry for Clinton who has simply become the victim of the love-sick puppy Monica, and whose love adventure has unfortunately been caught and twisted cleverly by his political rivals.

Lewinsky is certainly a disgraced young woman who seduced Clinton even though she knew that he was a married man. She took advantage of his vulnerability to satisfy her thirst for sex. This woman does not deserve the attention she is getting from the world which she is obviously enjoying greatly.

My sympathy and empathy go to Hillary and Chelsea, and the American people whose president is being stripped by the world media.

