Thu, 12 Oct 1995

Support for office worker

From Republika

I am in full support of the establishment of a solidarity committee for Danang (an office worker jailed for his involvement with an unrecognized journalist association).

I can well imagine Danang's future if he cannot continue his studies after he is out of prison. He will bear a grudge toward the people and the system which have brought about his suffering. He will be used by people who are not happy with the success of this country's development.

Another concern of mine is that Danang has been blacklisted by the state universities admissions examination office. And that some of his examination papers, which he had done when already in detainment) have not been checked. I have heard this from a friend who is in charge of data control at the University of Indonesia.

For the sake of justice, why does the office not check in full Danang's examination papers to see what the results are?

I may be mistaken, and my friend may be wrong for revealing the secret, therefore, I ask the 1995 state universities admissions examination office to come forward with proof, in order to avoid the issue spreading without official explanation.

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