Fri, 09 Apr 2004

Support for KPK

We would like to apologize to Patrick Guntensperger for the lack of information on the Partnership for Governance Reform that became apparent in his letter to The Jakarta Post on March 26.

The Partnership is a multi-stakeholder initiative and has been inclusive from the very beginning. It cooperates with the government, NGOs and business associations on both national and local levels. An overview of Partnership's strategy and activities since its establishment in late 2000 can be found at our web page:

One of Partnership's efforts in the field of anticorruption has been the support of the establishment of a strong anticorruption commission. It took more than four years before the independent anticorruption commission (KPK) was eventually set up in late December of last year, after it had been first provided for by Law No 31/1999 and consequently Law 30/2002.

As we pointed out in our article, the KPK appears very much aware of its responsibility to inform the public about its existence, its tasks and powers. As we further reported, the commission is currently in the process of undertaking public consultations and setting up its standard operating procedures.

In this very crucial phase it deserves all the support it can gather to become what Guntensperger calls "an agency with public awareness, a high public profile and complete public accountability".

In this context proposing "yet another government organization" might cause misperceptions on what is actually being achieved right now. Well-intentioned proposals and critique directed at the anticorruption commission are certainly needed and of value, but all in time.

So let's join hands to get the KPK going, rather than start plugging for yet another body.

AGAM FATCHRROCHMAN and SOFIE ARJON SCHUETTE Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia Jakarta