Mon, 20 May 1996

Support for crime victims

From Media Indonesia

The bajaj (three-wheeled transportation) driver, Muhayat, who lost his life tragically on Friday, May 10 1996, was a model to humanity. Besides teaching mankind a lesson of life, he also prickled our conscience.

In my opinion he was a blessed man, one who must have been welcomed by the angels in those fateful morning hours. We should not forget his widow Ecih and his children, Ida and Nur, who most certainly are in need of financial support.

There are other Muhayats who have lost their lives, or who risk their lives every day with the unpleasant prospect of leaving a wife and children behind. Support should, therefore, not be of a sporadic nature.

I would like to appeal through your corner, "Media Anda," to set up a nongovernmental organization for the support of families of crime victims like Muhayat.

At the moment there exists a support foundation for victims of natural disasters, the Dana Bhakti Kemanusiaan Gotong Royong (Humanity Mutual Help Fund). Why not establish a similar foundation for relatives of crime victims throughout Indonesia?

The presence of such a foundation would be of huge benefit to the nation. Aside from aiding widows and orphaned children (which is a must according to our religion), such a body would almost certainly revive the public's moral force, which has been replaced by apathy of late.

Apart from this, it might be a good thing if the police consider establishing an award for civilians who help fight crime and for those who lose their lives in the battle against crime. Their next of kin might get some consolation that their husbands or fathers did not lose their lives in vain in the fight against crime, or even terrorism which has alarmingly increased lately. We should do all we can to revive the aforementioned moral forces.

