Wed, 04 Sep 1996

Sunda Kelapa mosque

From Pelita

My office is on Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, and I pray in the Sunda Kelapa mosque on Fridays. The mosque has better facilities compared to others as it is more spacious. The sermons are lively, the parking lot is wide and shopping and eating facilities abound in the vicinity.

The mosque, however, is located near a school and hawkers like the spot. For these reasons I would like to suggest that:

* School children should not create noise during sermons for the Friday prayer services.

* Hawkers should start their business on the mosque's premises only after the Friday prayers.

* In-house food and music cassette sellers should temporarily close their shops 15 minutes before the sermon begins.

There are enough security guards on duty at the mosque and I am sure they will have no problem in improving the situation, so that believers can pray in a better atmosphere.

Muhammad S.

South Jakarta