Wed, 01 Dec 2004

Sun bears run amok in Jambi

JAMBI, Jambi: Four sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) frightened residents and livestock in two separate locations in Jambi in recent weeks, destroying kitchens in residences and preying on chicken and cattle.

Three bears entered houses in Talang Lindung subdistrict, Kerinci regency, in search of food, while another trespassed Asiatic Persada plantation in Muarojambi regency.

No fatalities were reported in the incidents, said Budi Priyono, a staffer at the Jambi provincial Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA).

The bear that wandered through the plantation was captured, while the remaining three are still at large, said Budi.

Incidents of bears venturing into human territory have become more frequent in Jambi in the last few years, as their natural habitat is shrinking rapidly from rampant illegal logging. -- JP