Sun, 07 Jul 1996

Sultan remembered

YOGYAKARTA (JP): About 50 prominent national figures are expected to attend the eighth anniversary of the death of Yogyakarta's king and former vice president Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX today.

Gusti Bendoro Pangeran Haryo Djojohadikusumo, son of the Sultan, said on Friday that around 1,000 people have been invited including former cabinet ministers Gen. (ret) Surono and Radius Prawiro, senior journalists Mochtar Lubis and Jakob Oetama, and wives of two other former vice presidents Nelly Adam Malik and Rahmi Hatta.

Sultan's successor, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and his wife Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas, are also scheduled to attend the ceremony.

A vice president during 1973-1978, Hamengku Buwono IX died at the age of 73 in 1985.

"We hope that those who knew him would kindly pray for him," Gusti was quoted by Antara as saying yesterday.

A 17-verse ballad entitled Labuh Labat Dalem (devotion to the king) performed by the creator, R.W. Cermo Subarno, will open the ceremony and last for approximately one hour.

The ballad chronologizes the Sultan's struggle and determination starting from his childhood, during the Dutch's colonization, the Old Order and the New Order administrations, through the end of his life.

The Sultan was known as a simple person, both in thoughts as well as appearance.

A ceremonial visit to his tomb in Imogiri, Bantul, is also scheduled for tomorrow. (14)