Mon, 29 Apr 2002

Stretch your body for greater flexibility

The Jakarta Post Jakarta

Stretching is an essential part of playing sport as it can prevent injury.

Here are three simple stretching exercises from LifeSpa & Fitness Center that you can do before and after exercise.

* Chest

Find a wall or similar structure for resistance. Take an upright position and take a small step to the front so that your feet are about one meter apart. Make sure that you keep your feet parallel and your knees bent.

Place your left leg in front, and bring your left arm up to shoulder height until it forms a 90 degree angle between your forearm and upper arm. Place your arm up against the wall and slowly increase the size of your step in order to increase the stretch of the muscle. Remember to keep your feet parallel, your body upright and your knees bent at all times.

Hold the stretch for at least 20 seconds and make sure that your chest and arm are in one line. Do not turn your torso away or toward the wall. Whatever you do, do not bounce in and out of the stretch, hold the strain and slowly increase the pressure.

Slowly come out of the stretch and switch to the other side.

* Quadriceps

Take an upright position close to a wall or column as a means of support. Bring your left arm up to shoulder height and hold onto the wall or column. Bend your right leg at the knee and grab your ankle (not the toes).

The leg you are standing on is slightly bent and both legs are parallel to each other. Keep your stomach tensed to avoid overextending the back.

Slowly pull the ankle back further to increase the stretch on the muscle. Increase the intensity of the stretch to a point where the strain on the muscle is still comfortable. Hold the stretch for at least 20 seconds.

Your body should be upright for the duration of the stretch, only the leg you are standing on is allowed to be slightly bent.

Slowly come out of the stretch and switch to the other side.

* Calves

Find a wall or similar structure for resistance. Take an upright position and take a small step to the front so that your feet are about one meter apart. Be sure to keep your feet parallel and your knees bent. Both arms are at shoulder height and pushing up against the resistance.

Bring your right foot so that it is further back than the left. Your stomach should be tensed to prevent too much pressure being placed on the spine.

To increase the tension on the muscle, slide the right foot back even further. Make sure your feet are still parallel and that the soles of both feet have full contact with the ground.

Increase the intensity of the stretch to a point where the strain on the muscle is still comfortable. Hold the stretch for at least 20 seconds.

Slowly come out of the stretch and switch to the other side.