Tue, 12 Oct 2004

'Stress comes, goes easily in the metropolis'

Research conducted before World Mental Health Day on Sunday reveals recent political and social reforms, terrorist attacks and the election year have caused heightened stress to Jakartans. The Jakarta Post asked two residents what they did to ease stress in their lives.

Astrid Tika, 24, teaches English at a language center in Kuningan, South Jakarta. She lives with her family in Permata Hijau, also in South Jakarta:

If I am stressed out and have the money, usually I try to get away from the city to find somewhere quieter.

One of the reason I love diving is that when I am in Kotok island in Kepulauan Seribu there is no sound of cars or bajaj (three-wheeled motorized vehicles) waking me up. There I want to wake up early, not like here.

When I feel stress at work, I go and hang out with my friends. Or I go shopping -- that always works to clear away any stress.

The biggest source of stress in Jakarta is the traffic jams, they got worse, especially since the afternoon three-in-one policy was imposed -- don't even mention the exclusive busway lane.

Another thing that bugs me is how crowded everywhere is. Even going to the malls sometimes stresses me out -- there are people everywhere. Everyone seems to hang out in the same places.

Agnes Christabel, 19, is a psychology student at a private university in Sudirman, Central Jakarta. She lives with her family in Cinere, Depok:

I think what stresses people out in Jakarta is the hot weather and how it is such a big city. The competition is tough here and the city is very crowded, so of course people get angry easily.

Take me for instance, a university student. If there is an assignment that is not finished, I get annoyed. Even a slight traffic jam seems to be an obstacle.

So when I get stressed out I try not to leave the house. I stay inside and watch DVD or do things I like to keep my mind off things and to forget my troubles for a while.

I think that when people have lived in Jakarta for a long time, they get used to stress. It comes easily, but it also goes away easily.