Thu, 04 Jul 1996

Street sweepers get approval

JAKARTA (JP): Central Jakarta authorities have got the green light from the governor to use street sweepers on several main streets in the area.

In a meeting with the five city mayors here yesterday, Governor Surjadi Soedirdja said the plan will aid the capital's cleaning program, reported a spokesman from the municipality office, Soesila Darmoadji.

The governor added that the Central Jakarta authorities should choose the vehicles carefully before making any official purchases, said Darmoadji.

According to Central Jakarta Mayor Abdul Kahfi, the sweepers are required to have the proper devices so as not to disturb the area, which is home to many important figures, businesspeople and diplomats.

The governor said that sanitation workers should not be afraid of losing their jobs because "Jakarta is big enough and still needs both workers and modern devices to handle the cleaning program."

Spokesman Darmoadji gave no explanation about the number or make of the sweepers to be used. (bsr)